Mystery Shoppers to Anonymously Evaluate all Aspects of Aquarium

Amusement Advantage Inc., has been chosen by the Florida Aquarium to help identify ways to improve its business operations.
The popular tourist attraction is keen to get a better understanding of how visitors interact with the aquarium and pinpoint opportunities to enhance the guest experience.

Scot Carson, President and General Manager of Amusement Advantage said the company was eager to start working with the aquarium. “Our expertise and experience in the industry fits perfectly with The Florida Aquarium’s high standards of excellence and service delivery.”

Amusement Advantage will draw from their pool of 30,000 mystery shoppers to anonymously evaluate all aspects of the aquarium including ticket purchasing, food quality in the café and the educational nature of the exhibits and presentations.

Matt Heller, founder of Performance Optimist Consulting will analyse the report which intends to highlight opportunities for further improving leadership and staff engagement and therefore, the guest experience.

The partnership follows Amusement Advantage’s recent appointment of a Director of Business Development based in Orlando to better serve the Florida tourism industry. The company already provides mystery shopping services to over 400 attractions in the US and Canada.

“Amusement Advantage will provide valuable insights into what we are doing right as well as identity areas we need to improve on,” Scott Rose, Chief Operating Officer of The Florida Aquarium.
SOURCE: BlooLoop